Academic Advising
KSU students benefit from planning their course of study in advance. Familiarize yourself with the course schedule templates below, according to your area of interest.
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KSU students benefit from planning their course of study in advance. Familiarize yourself with the course schedule templates below, according to your area of interest.
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Incoming students must select a focus area or a major before they may enroll in courses. Focus Areas are not permanent, and they provide students with a flexible way to discover the right major.
To help you with your planning process, please see the following diagram, which depicts which courses you might want to take, depending on the focus area you select. Try to take all of the "core" courses and pick add-ons (marked with + signs) if you wish to focus in Business or STEM fields. You can use the diagram for your planning purposes if you wish (see duplicating files in Figma).
Note: foreign language study is possible in every focus area, as it is a General Education requirement. Sometimes, the DegreeWorks course scheduling system will flag students who enroll in their first language course. In almost all cases, this should be corrected with a manual override by the University Registrar (see also What is a Focus Area?).
KSU German Studies Majors graduate ahead of schedule with study and work abroad.
The Department of World Languages and Cultures offers a B.A. program in Modern Language & Culture, and German students have the option to specialize in German and another language. This program is dynamic, and offers students the opportunity to enroll in at home or abroad, earning credit hours at German learning institutes or through German work experiences. Majors diversify their knowledge and experience through a combination of general education coursework, free electives, language study, upper-division related studies courses, internships, and/or study abroad experiences. We recommend that students pursue study abroad each summer, schedules permitting.
What credits can I earn during the Maymester (Discover the Heart of Europe)? This two week program can replace a single course, such as WLC 2209 or GRMN 3390?
What credits can I earn during the Summer Intensive in MΓΌnster (WiPDaF)? This 1-2 month course can replace 1-2 courses, depending on how many months you study there. Those courses can include: GRMN 1001, 1002, 2001, 2002, 3200, 3302, 3303, or, upon instructor approval, other GRMN courses.
What credits can I earn during the Semester or Year Abroad in Paderborn? This 1-2 semester program can replace many courses, such as WLC/GRMN 1001-4000 level courses depending your needs/program requirements.
What credits can I earn during an Internship in Germany? This internship experience can get you from 3-9 credits in WLC/GRMN 3398.